September 17, 2024

10 Heartfelt Verses and Quotes for Funeral Cards Honouring Loved Ones in Australia


Funerals are never easy, and neither is finding the right words to say goodbye. Whether you're planning a service or sending a card, choosing the perfect verse or quote can feel like a daunting task. But here's the thing: these few words—carefully selected—can become a powerful way to honour and celebrate the life of a loved one. They can comfort those left behind, a reminder that while someone may be gone, their presence lives on in our hearts and memories.

Regarding Australians, we're known for our straightforward, down-to-earth approach to life. This often extends to how we process loss, too. There's no pretence, just real, raw emotion. Whether it's a verse from the Bible, a poetic line, or a simple statement of love, the words on a funeral card should reflect the unique spirit of the person they're for. In Australia, we've seen a trend toward verses that are not only heartfelt but also speak to our deep connection with nature and community.

Think of it like this - just as every individual's journey through life is unique, so is the final tribute we pay them. Some people prefer the comfort of scripture, while others find solace in a quote that mirrors the simple beauty of a life well-lived. Either way, the verse or quote you choose should resonate like a gentle breeze carrying a message from the heart.

Reflecting on Australian Values in Funeral Card Verses

In Australia, we have a way of finding beauty in simplicity. Just like the landscape surrounding us—vast open spaces, rugged coastlines, and endless skies—there's a sense of openness and authenticity in how we express ourselves, even in times of loss. This cultural trait often appears in the verses and quotes we choose for funeral cards. We don't tend to shy away from raw emotion, but we also prefer honest, not overly sentimental, and deeply personal words.

Let me share a story from my experience as a funeral card printer. I once worked with a family who wanted something specific for their mother's funeral card. She was a woman who loved the sea. Her entire life was spent near the beach, and her family knew a traditional verse wouldn't quite capture her spirit. They chose a simple quote that reflected her connection to the ocean:

"May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear..."

It was perfect. Not only did it speak to her love for the sea, but it also created a sense of calm and peace for those mourning her loss. It was a reflection of her life, and at the same time, it brought comfort to everyone who read it. At that moment, the quote became more than words on paper—it symbolised her legacy, a gentle reminder that she was still with them, carried by the wind and the waves.

We often see this in Australian funeral services, verses that connect us to nature or reflect the quiet, resilient spirit of the person we're saying goodbye to. Whether it's a simple Bible verse or a more poetic line, the best verses mirror the personality and values of the person being honoured.

Funeral cards are about more than just saying goodbye. They're about paying tribute to how someone lived, what they loved, and the mark they left on the world. And for Australians, that often means choosing quotes or verses that feel real, unpretentious, and heartfelt—just like the people they're meant to remember.

Religious Verses that Bring Comfort

For many Australians, faith plays a vital role in processing grief, and religious verses often offer a sense of peace and hope in times of loss. Whether it's a simple reminder of God's presence or a more profound reflection on eternal life, these verses can feel like an anchor during turbulent times.

One of the most commonly used verses in Australian funerals is from the 23rd Psalm:

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He made me lie down in green pastures and leadeth me beside the still waters."

Psalm 23:1-2

You've probably heard this verse even if you haven't been to church in years. It's calming, almost like a gentle hand on your shoulder, guiding you through the storm of grief. The imagery of "still waters" is particularly resonant for many Australians—perhaps because it evokes our connection to nature, from quiet rivers to the calming rhythm of the ocean.

There's something universal about this passage. It doesn't matter if you're deeply religious; the message of peace and guidance speaks to everyone. I once met a man planning his father's funeral. His dad was not religious, but he loved being outdoors, particularly by the water. When we discussed the funeral card, this verse came up. While the family hesitated initially because of its biblical origins, they soon realised the beauty and serenity it represented mirrored their father's love of nature. Ultimately, it felt like the perfect way to say goodbye—peaceful and reflective, just like the man they were honouring.

Another verse often chosen for its comforting tone is:

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

Offers a powerful sense of release. It's like a gentle whisper in the ear, reminding the grieving that it's okay to let go, to find rest after the emotional burden of loss. For those in mourning, it's a reminder that they don't have to carry the weight of their grief alone—comfort can be found in faith, family, or community.

Religious verses are timeless because they speak to a deeper part of us—a part that searches for meaning and solace in times of loss. In Australia, while not everyone may attend church regularly, many still find great comfort in the familiar words of the Bible, primarily when they're delivered with sincerity and love. These verses become more than just lines of scripture; they become a way to honour life while offering hope and healing to those left behind.

Inspirational Quotes for Healing

While religious verses comfort many, some prefer quotes that are less tied to faith and more reflective of the human experience. In Australia, where we often take a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to life, we prefer simple yet significant quotes that speak to love, loss, and the enduring connection between the living and the dead.

One often chosen quote is:

"Those we love don't go away; they walk beside us every day... unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear."


This quote has a way of capturing the essence of how many Australians feel about loss. It's a beautiful sentiment that reminds us that while we may no longer see our loved ones, they're never truly gone. I remember working with a family who chose this quote for their mother's funeral card.

She was a matriarch who was always there, whether you needed advice or just someone to talk to. Even though she had passed, her family knew that her presence would always be felt, guiding them through life, much like she had when she was alive. The quote was a perfect reflection of that ongoing connection.

Another popular choice is:

"A life that touches others goes on forever."


Australians often value people's impact on their community, family, and friends. This quote speaks directly to the idea that a person's influence doesn't end with their passing. I've seen this quote used frequently for people who lived a life of service or made a lasting impact on those around them. It's a simple but powerful way of acknowledging that even though someone is no longer physically present, the effects of their kindness, generosity, and love will continue to ripple through the lives of those they touched.

Both quotes highlight something significant in Australian culture: the value of relationships and the legacy we leave behind. In a country known for its strong sense of community, these quotes serve as a reminder that death isn't the end. Our loved ones live on in the stories we tell, the lessons we've learned, and the love we continue to feel.

Inspirational quotes like these resonate deeply because they offer a glimmer of hope. They remind us that while grief is a natural part of life, love and memory are eternal. Even in moments of great sorrow, there's comfort in knowing that our loved ones are still with us, walking beside us every day, guiding us through life's ups and downs—just as they always have.

Verses Offering Comfort to the Grieving

Grief is a heavy burden to carry, and in those first few days after losing a loved one, words can feel inadequate. Yet certain verses have a unique way of wrapping themselves around a grieving heart, offering comfort and understanding when nothing seems to make sense. In Australia, where straightforwardness is often valued, verses that deliver a clear, calming message can bring immense relief to those in mourning.

One verse that consistently provides comfort is from the Beatitudes:

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

Matthew 5:4

It's a simple promise that speaks directly to the heart of grief. Even in the depths of sorrow, the idea that comfort will come is a powerful message for anyone going through the pain of loss. When working with families, I often see how this verse can bring peace, almost as if it offers permission to grieve while reassuring them that they won't be alone in their sadness.

I remember speaking with a woman who had recently lost her sister. She was searching for a verse to include in the funeral card that would bring comfort to herself and everyone attending the service. She wanted something that didn't feel overly sentimental but was still meaningful. When I showed her Matthew 5:4, she took a moment to reflect on the words, and I could see how they resonated with her. It wasn't a grand or flowery message but rather a quiet, steady reassurance that comfort would find her even in her darkest moments. Ultimately, she chose this verse because it offered the kind of solace she and her family needed most: a gentle reminder that healing, in time, would come.

Another popular choice for Australians is the quote:

"Those we love can never be more than a thought away, for as long as there's a memory, they live on in our hearts."


There's something deeply comforting about this sentiment. It acknowledges the pain of losing someone while offering reassurance that our memories can keep them close. I've seen this quote repeatedly used in funeral cards, especially for those who held their loved ones dear. It's a simple, unpretentious expression of how the bonds of love don't break with death but rather transform into something that lives on within us.

In moments of loss, people look for reassurance that they aren't walking through their grief alone. These verses provide gentle, steady words that remind us that while the pain may feel overwhelming, there is comfort to be found. For Australians, where authenticity and heartfelt emotion are essential, these verses speak directly to the loss experience, offering hope and healing to those who need it most.

Quotes About Remembrance and Legacy

When we lose someone close to us, we often desire to honour their memory in a way that feels lasting and true. In Australia, we tend to value a person's legacy—their impact on family, friends, and community. It's about recognising that even though someone is no longer with us physically, their mark on the world continues. Funeral cards are often used to express this idea of a legacy, using quotes reflecting on remembrance and our enduring connection with our loved ones.

One quote that captures this sentiment beautifully is:

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."

Thomas Campbell

There's something timeless and profound about these words. They remind us that as long as we carry the memory of our loved ones with us, they're never truly gone. I recall a time when a young man came to me after his father passed away. His father had been a well-respected figure in the local community—someone who had touched many lives. This quote immediately resonated with him when we discussed what to include on the funeral card. It was simple but powerful, and it spoke directly to how his father would live in the hearts of those he had influenced.

The idea that someone can continue to exist through their impact on others is significant in Australian culture. Here, where mateship and community are deeply valued, the notion that a person's spirit can live on through the people they've touched is comforting and empowering. It allows us to keep our loved ones close, even after they're gone.

Another frequently chosen quote is:

"Rest in peace, for now you are free."


This short, straightforward message reflects the Australian preference for honesty and simplicity, especially regarding emotional matters. It's a quiet expression of peace that recognises the end of life's struggles and the beginning of eternal rest. I've seen this quote used for individuals who endured illness or hardship, where the family wanted to express relief that their loved one was no longer suffering. It's a subtle but significant way of acknowledging that while death brings grief, it also brings release.

Both quotes—one focused on remembrance, the other on peace—speak to the unique way Australians process grief. We honour those we've lost by remembering the good they've done and the love they've shared while also recognising that death is part of life's natural journey. These quotes provide a gentle reminder that while loss is inevitable, the love and legacy of those who've passed will continue to shape our lives for years.

Nature-Inspired Verses Resonating with Australian Culture

Australians have a deep connection to the natural world, from the red earth of the outback to the crashing waves of the coastline. This connection often finds its way into how we mourn and remember loved ones. Nature-inspired verses can bring a sense of peace and reflection, reminding us of the cycle of life and the beauty surrounding us, even in times of grief.

One verse that beautifully reflects this is:

"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you."

Isaiah 43:2

The imagery of "deep waters" resonates strongly with many Australians, whether they've spent time at the beach, rivers, or appreciate the vastness of our oceans. Even in life's most challenging moments—when it feels like you're struggling to stay afloat—there is a presence guiding and supporting you, which is deeply comforting. It's a verse that many people find reassuring, especially those who feel a strong connection to the water. I remember one family choosing this verse for their father's funeral, a man who had been a fisherman for most of his life. The verse seemed to capture his love of the sea and the idea that he wasn't facing those "deep waters" alone in his final moments.

Nature-inspired verses like this remind us that even in grief, beauty and peace can be found in the world around us. They create a sense of calm and continuity, reflecting the natural cycles of life and death. For those who feel a strong connection to the outdoors, these verses offer a way to honour that bond while providing comfort to those who remain.

Another popular choice is the quote:

"May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear, how much we love and miss you, and wish that you were here."


This quote, commonly used in Australian funeral services, incorporates elements of nature to convey a sense of peace and eternal connection. It's easy to picture a gentle breeze carrying a message from the heart—a tender reminder that our loved ones are still with us in spirit, even if we can no longer see them. Wind imagery is compelling in Australia, where wide open spaces and natural elements often form the backdrop of our lives. I've seen this quote used frequently for those who had a close relationship with nature or lived outdoors.

These nature-inspired verses and quotes offer a unique way to connect with the grieving process. These words feel particularly meaningful in Australia, where the natural environment plays such a significant role in our everyday lives. They remind us that love continues to move around us, much like the tides or the wind, bringing comfort and strength, even in our most difficult moments.

How to Choose the Right Quote for Your Loved One

Selecting the right verse or quote for a funeral card can feel daunting, but it's also incredibly personal and meaningful. It's not just about finding beautiful words; it's about choosing something that genuinely reflects the essence of the person being honoured. In Australia, where we value authenticity and simplicity, the best choices often reflect the unique character, values, and personality of the person who has passed away.

When selecting, think about what matters most to your loved one. Were they a person of strong faith, or did they find solace in nature? Did they live their life with a sense of community and connection, or were they someone who appreciated the simple beauty of a quiet moment? The quote or verse you choose should reflect these qualities, offering comfort to those grieving and paying tribute to the individual's life in a way that feels genuine.

One family I worked with wanted to honour their mother, a woman who had spent much of her life in the garden. She loved tending to her plants, watching them grow, and spending quiet afternoons surrounded by the flowers she nurtured. The family chose the nature-inspired quote for her funeral card: "May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear…" It was a perfect reflection of who she was—someone who lived in harmony with the earth and left behind a legacy of beauty and growth, just like the flowers she loved.

On the other hand, if your loved one is of solid faith, a verse from the Bible may feel like the right choice. For example, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want" speaks to a sense of peace and guidance, a message that is particularly comforting to those mourning a loss. It can be a way to honour the individual's faith and provide reassurance to family and friends who share those beliefs.

Don't be afraid to take your time when choosing a verse or quote. Reflect on your loved one's life, their values, and the memories you hold dear. If you find yourself drawn to a particular passage, trust that instinct. The words you choose can comfort you and everyone who reads them, becoming a lasting tribute to the one you've lost.

Finally, remember there's no "right" or "wrong" choice. Whether you opt for a religious verse, an inspirational quote, or a nature-inspired reflection, the most important thing is that it feels authentic to the person you're honouring. Funeral cards are a way of celebrating life, even in the midst of grief, and the verse or quote you choose will help keep the memory of your loved one alive in the hearts of all who knew them.


Choosing the right words to honour a loved one is a profoundly personal decision, and selecting a verse or quote that resonates with you and your family is essential. In Australia, where authenticity, connection to nature, and simplicity are highly valued, the verses and quotes often reflect these qualities, offering comfort and peace to those in mourning. Whether you choose a religious verse, an inspirational quote, or something that reflects the natural beauty of life, the words on a funeral card serve as a lasting tribute to the one you've lost.

Remember, it's not about finding the most poetic or profound statement—it's about choosing words that feel true to the person you're remembering and bringing comfort to those left behind. In doing so, you'll create a meaningful tribute that honours your loved one's life and legacy.

Baileys Print Co.

Baileys Print Co. is a family run printing business based in Melbourne. We’ve been getting inky fingers for over 19 years.