August 19, 2024

Understanding the Different Types of Funeral Stationery - From Thank You Cards to Memorial Bookmarks

When we lose someone we love, finding ways to honour their memory becomes a personal journey. One of the most touching and lasting ways to do this is through carefully chosen funeral stationery. These items are more than just paper and ink; they are a way to keep the memory of your loved one close, to share their story with others, and to say the things that words often struggle to express during such a difficult time.

Imagine holding a beautifully designed card in your hands, with the picture of your loved one smiling back at you, and a quote that perfectly encapsulates their spirit. These small tokens—whether programs, thank you cards, or memorial bookmarks—carry the essence of a life lived and the emotions of those left behind. Each piece of stationery has its purpose and meaning, helping to guide you through the process of saying goodbye while ensuring that the memory of your loved one remains vibrant and cherished.

This article is here to help you understand the different types of funeral stationery available. Whether you're preparing a service for a parent, sibling, child, or close friend, knowing your options can make this overwhelming task a little bit easier. We'll walk you through each type, explaining their purpose and how they can be tailored to reflect the unique life of your loved one. Additionally, we'll guide you in choosing the proper funeral stationery service provider, ensuring you receive high-quality products that truly honour your loved one's memory.

Funeral Programs and Booklets (Order of Service)

One of the most important elements when planning a funeral is the funeral program, also known as the Order of Service. This program serves as a guide for attendees, helping them follow along and participate in the ceremony. For those who wish to offer something more detailed, a funeral booklet provides an expanded, printed version of the program. Both the program and the booklet ensure that the ceremony flows smoothly and that the memory of the loved one is honoured with care and thoughtfulness.

The primary purpose of both the funeral program and the booklet is to outline the schedule of the funerla ceremony. They typically include the order in which hymns will be sung, readings will be made, and tributes will be shared. This helps attendees know what to expect and allows them to participate fully in the service. The booklet, however, goes a step further by providing additional space for more detailed content, such as biographical information, photos, and more extended tributes. This makes the funeral booklet a guide to the service and a cherished keepsake that attendees can take home.

Imagine a folded pamphlet that is simple yet elegant, with a cover featuring a favourite photo of the deceased. Inside, the program lays out the ceremony in clear, easy-to-follow sections. While serving the same function, the booklet offers more pages, allowing for a richer presentation of the deceased’s life. It might include a detailed biography, a collection of the deceased’s favourite poems, or even a timeline of their life events.

For example, one family might include a simple program with a classic design and a few key details about the service. Another might opt for a booklet that contains a personal letter from a family member, a selection of photos from various stages of the deceased’s life, and space for guests to write their own messages of condolence.

As you think about creating a funeral program or booklet, consider how you can use these pieces to reflect the personality and life of your loved one. Whether you choose a straightforward booklet or an expanded booklet, both serve as essential tools for guiding the ceremony and honouring the memory of the person who has passed away.

Memorial Cards

After the funeral service has concluded and the room empties, what remains with those who attended? Often, the small, tangible keepsakes hold the most meaning. This is where memorial cards come in—a small but powerful way to remember a loved one.

Memorial cards are designed to be a personal memento that attendees can hold onto as a reminder of the life that was celebrated. These cards are typically handed out during or after the service and contain key details about the deceased, such as their name, birth and death dates, and sometimes a favourite quote or a brief message. Unlike the more detailed funeral program, memorial cards are simple, focused, and meant to be a lasting tribute that fits easily into a wallet or purse.

Picture a small, elegantly designed card, perhaps just the size of a postcard, that can be easily tucked away or displayed on a fridge or in a keepsake box. The front of the card often features a photo of the deceased—one that captures them as their family and friends best remember them. On the back, a short poem or verse might encapsulate their spirit.

The design of memorial cards can be deeply personal. Some families choose to include a favourite quote or a religious passage that had special meaning to the deceased. Others might opt for a symbolic image—a dove, a candle, or a scene from nature—that resonates with the life their loved one lived.

When designing a memorial card, consider what image or words best capture your loved one's essence. What was their favourite place? What words did they live by? A well-crafted memorial card can be a daily reminder of the love and memories shared, offering comfort long after the service.

Prayer Cards

For many, spirituality and faith play a central role in grieving. Prayer cards also known as Santani Cards, especially common in Catholic or Orthodox Greek and other religious services, offer a way to honour this aspect of a loved one's life while comforting those who remain.

Prayer cards are typically small, wallet-sized cards with a religious image on one side and a prayer or religious passage on the other. They are often distributed at funerals or wakes and serve as both a keepsake and a reminder to pray for the deceased.

Imagine a small, beautifully crafted card, perhaps featuring an image of a saint, an angel, or another religious symbol that holds significance for your family. On the reverse side, you'll find a carefully chosen prayer or scripture passage—words that bring comfort and hope and reflect the deceased's faith.

Prayer cards can be highly personalised. The choice of image and text can be tailored to reflect the spiritual beliefs of the deceased and their family. For example, a card might feature a picture of St. Francis of Assisi, known for his love of animals, paired with a prayer for peace and protection. Alternatively, a card might include the Lord's Prayer or a passage from the Bible that was particularly meaningful to the deceased.

Consider what religious images or passages resonate most with your loved one's life when creating a prayer card. What prayers brought them comfort? What symbols of faith were most meaningful to them? These small cards can provide ongoing spiritual support to those who receive them, helping to keep the memory of the deceased alive in daily prayer.

Funeral Thank You Cards

When the flowers have been sent, the casseroles delivered, and the hugs given, many people want to express their gratitude for their support during a difficult time. This is where funeral thank you cards come in—a small but meaningful way to say "thank you" to those who have been there for you.

Funeral thank you cards express gratitude to those who attended the service, sent flowers, or provided other forms of support during your time of grief. They are a way to acknowledge the kindness and support you've received and let people know that their gestures were appreciated.

Picture a simple, elegant card that conveys your thanks heartfeltly. These cards are often customized with a photo of the deceased and a short, personal message from the family. Many families choose to include a pre-printed message inside, with space for a handwritten note if they wish to add something more personal.

The design can vary depending on what feels right for your family. Some may choose a classic, understated design with a single photo and a formal message, while others might prefer something more colourful or reflective of the deceased's personality. The important thing is that the card feels sincere and thoughtful, offering a token of thanks to those who have supported you.

Consider how you want to express your gratitude when creating your thank you cards. What images or words best capture the feeling you want to convey? Remember, these cards are not just about etiquette; they are about acknowledging the care and support surrounding you during a difficult time.

Acknowledgment Cards

When planning a funeral, you might find that certain individuals went above and beyond in their support—whether they helped organise the service, provided meals, or simply offered a shoulder to cry on. Acknowledgement cards are a special way to thank these individuals personally.

Acknowledgement cards are similar to thank you cards but are often reserved for those who played a particularly significant role in the funeral preparations or supported the family meaningfully. They are a way to offer a more personal expression of gratitude.

These cards are typically more understated, with space for a handwritten note to be customised to each recipient. While some families opt for a pre-printed message, others prefer to write their thanks by hand, making each card unique. The design is usually straightforward, focusing on the message rather than the imagery. However, it can still be personalised with a small photo or emblem that has meaning to the family.

As you consider creating acknowledgment cards, think about the people who have been there for you in ways that went beyond the ordinary. What message do you want to send them? Acknowledgment cards provide a way to say thank you in a manner that feels personal and sincere, acknowledging the special contributions of those who have supported you most.

Memorial Bookmarks

Memorial bookmarks offer a unique and practical keepsake for those who wish to carry a piece of their loved one. They are a small, everyday reminder of a life that touched many, often used in a book or placed somewhere special.

Memorial bookmarks are designed to be a lasting keepsake guests can take home. They often feature a photo of the deceased and a favourite quote, verse, or prayer. The idea is to create something that can be used and seen regularly, keeping the memory of the loved one close.

Imagine a slim, laminated bookmark that is both durable and beautiful. The design might include a peaceful landscape, a religious symbol, or simply the smiling face of your loved one. The text is typically concise—just a few lines that capture the essence of the person being remembered.

Some families include a short biography or a list of the deceased's favourite books, while others might opt for a more symbolic design. The goal is to create something personal and practical, a daily reminder that can bring comfort.

When designing a memorial bookmark, consider how your loved one might have liked to be remembered. What symbols or quotes would they have chosen? What design would bring comfort to those who receive it? A memorial bookmark is more than just a piece of paper; it's a way to keep the memory of your loved one alive in the small moments of everyday life.

Commemoration Cards

Sometimes, the need to honour and remember a loved one doesn't end with the funeral service. Commemoration cards are a way to continue celebrating the memory of someone who has passed away, often used at anniversaries, memorials, or other gatherings held after the funeral.

Commemoration cards are similar to memorial cards but are often distributed at events following the funeral, such as a one-year anniversary of the passing. They provide a way to keep the memory of the deceased alive, reminding family and friends of the person's life and legacy. These cards can be used to mark significant dates or to accompany a personal gesture, such as planting a tree in the deceased's memory or donating to a charity in their name.

Picture a card that looks like a small, beautiful tribute, with space to include a timeline of significant life events, favourite memories, or even quotes from loved ones. The design might feature a considerable location or object that was meaningful to the deceased, such as the image of a garden they loved, or a place they visited often.

These cards are highly customisable and can be designed to reflect the ongoing impact of the deceased's life. For instance, some families choose to include a timeline that highlights major milestones, or they might share a collection of memories contributed by friends and family. The design might be more understated than a memorial card, focusing instead on the ongoing remembrance and the lasting legacy of the person who has passed away.

When designing a commemoration card, consider how you want to continue honouring your loved one. What memories do you want to keep alive? What dates or events will you mark with this card? Commemoration cards offer a way to keep the memory of the deceased present in the lives of those who loved them.


Choosing the proper funeral stationery is about more than just planning a service—it's about creating lasting memories and honouring the life of someone special. Each piece of stationery, from funeral programs to memorial bookmarks, plays a unique role in helping you say goodbye while keeping the memory of your loved one alive. As you navigate this process, remember that every detail can be customised to reflect the personality and legacy of the person you honour. Whether through a simple thank you card or a detailed funeral booklet, these keepsakes will help you and others cherish the memory of your loved one for years to come.

Baileys Print Co.

Baileys Print Co. is a family run printing business based in Melbourne. We’ve been getting inky fingers for over 19 years.