February 26, 2021

What is a wedding wishing well and what stationery do I need for it?

Wishing wells are becoming increasingly common at weddings. But what are they? How can we include one in our wedding? And what sort of stationery will we need? We answer all these questions in our post on wedding wishing wells.

What is a wedding wishing well?

A wedding wishing well is a basket, decorative box or some other means for guests to deposit money inside as their wedding gift.

They’re a great idea for couples who may have already set up home and don’t have a need for traditional gifts such as kitchenware or bed linen. Instead, guests can donate cash, which the happy couple can then put towards a bigger purchase or simply add to their savings.

wedding box for money gifts and wishes
wedding box for money gifts and wishes

How can we include a wishing well at our wedding?

It’s easy! All you need is a decorative box and a wishing well label denoting where it is situated. On this note, it makes sense to place your wishing well in a discreet corner of your reception venue. While some guests will come with their donation already sealed in an envelope, others may not have thought so far ahead. So why not leave some blank cards, envelopes and pens by your wishing well to make it super easy for your guests?

You can be as creative as you like in your design for a wishing well. To personalise your wishing well, match it to the theme of your wedding. Or you could use a fun design like a mailbox, a treasure chest or a box that is literally in the shape of a well!

What about stationery?

Because wedding wishing wells are a relatively new concept, it’s a great idea to create special stationery to explain their purpose to your guests.

When you’re planning your wedding stationery list, you can include a separate wedding wishing well card with your wedding invitation to explain how it works. Your wishing well card can include a poem, or it could reference what you intend to do with all the money given at your wedding. You may want to make your wishing well wordings personal and draft them yourself, or you can use generic wording provided by your wedding stationery supplier.

It’s important to state that there is no correct or minimum amount you expect your guests to donate. If you are asked, you can say something along the lines of, “Donate whatever you feel comfortable with. We will be thrilled with any amount, large or small.”

After the wedding, you can acknowledge your guests’ contributions in an attractive wedding thank you card. Be sure to specify what the money — whether it’s the guest’s individual contribution or the total amount collected — has been used for.

If you’ve used the cash to buy something for your home, include a picture of it. The same goes for money put towards your honeymoon — your guests will love seeing pictures of you in exotic locations. If you’re putting it towards a big-ticket item, such as the deposit for a house, then why not invite your wedding guests to a housewarming once you move in?

Wedding stationery Australia

Baileys Print Co. is a family-run printing business based in Melbourne. We love nothing better than helping our customers organise their special day. Let us help you with any of your wedding stationery needs, including wedding wishing well cards and thank you cards. Reach out to our experienced and friendly team to know more about adding a personal touch to your wedding.

Baileys Print Co.

Baileys Print Co. is a family run printing business based in Melbourne. We’ve been getting inky fingers for over 19 years.